Fine Art Nude

Beauty of variety

Beauty of variety

    After many years running a boudoir photography studio in Toronto, our team has had the opportunity to meet so many different, wonderful women, from various walks of life. The more we got to know them, the more we saw the great, infinite variety to each...

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An affair in black and white

An affair in black and white

  There is a very famous quote by George Adair that says “Everything you've ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” A profound thought, it truly makes one think of all the things that matter to us yet we resist because of said fear. And it often...

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Boudoir story

    We truly believe that photos can and should speak a thousand words, especially when it comes to something so intimate as boudoir! With each and every session, we look to place something special and unique into the composition to reflect our muse's...

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Interlaced series

  Many a time, we dedicate this blog to beauty, after all, it is what we have been capturing for many years of our work in the photography field - the beauty of form, motion, boudoir, femininity, maternity, elegance, and love. But, once in a while, we like to...

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Becoming boudoir

Becoming boudoir

    Have you ever experienced this interesting sensation: when you put on a look, even one unusual to you, you seem to take on the qualities that look represents? Perhaps you've felt an authority of a doctor when you got to put on a white lab coat or...

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The question of inspiration

The question of inspiration

  What happens when you decide to go ahead with a photo session but are completely unsure how you would like it to look? The truth is, even if you believe yourself not to have a single artistic bone in your body, everybody, and we mean EVERYBODY has a creative...

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Our ecological footprint

Our ecological footprint

It would be fair to say that year 2019 might go into history as humanity's important turning point. A point in history when our environmental impact is not only acknowledged but is fought with full fervor by many countries and industrialists alike. More and more...

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Our third winner!

Our third winner!

At long last, we are very proud to present our third and final winner of the Valentine's Giveaway! Lovely Ms. O. is our third finalist and we were absolutely thrilled to work with her! A beauty both inside and out, she became our muse and radiated confidence in every...

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Special gift

Special gift

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”– Lao Tzu No matter how strong, resilient, and brave we may be, there are times when we could all use some support and love. Be it family we were given or a family we...

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