Interlaced series

Mar 2, 2021Fine Art Nude

Interlaced series


Many a time, we dedicate this blog to beauty, after all, it is what we have been capturing for many years of our work in the photography field – the beauty of form, motion, boudoir, femininity, maternity, elegance, and love. But, once in a while, we like to ponder the more hidden aspects of this term – those of the more concealed and complicated emotions, struggles, and even pain. We believe it is very important to explore many different topics through art and photography, some that may even be hard to talk about, and aknowledge the challenges that many modern women face. After all, we know from our personal experience that when women get to see they are not alone in their journey, feeling the empowerement, courage and support behind a likeminded community, the more they may grow and succeed against any odds together. It was this premise and a wish to help that has prompted our creative director to bring to life a series of very special photographs, each dedicated to the many struggles and multi faceted roles of a modern woman.


Called “Enterlaced” this creative series was exhibited and sold to support a local Toronto women’s shelter that provides protection and living arrangement for women suffering from abuse. Strong, emotional movement, and special overlays portray the raw, the naked, and the difficult emotions behind the stunning models that took part in this series. These photos have a certain haunting beauty to them and remain one of our absolute favorite works, so we are very excited to show them to you here!