An affair in black and white

Dec 14, 2021Boudoir & Lingerie, Fine Art Nude

An affair in black and white


There is a very famous quote by George Adair that says “Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.” A profound thought, it truly makes one think of all the things that matter to us yet we resist because of said fear. And it often resonates with us in our line of work too as most of our past clients have cited fear to be the major reason why they didn’t have a boudoir photography session sooner. In the end, they most often noted that it was truly liberating and exciting once they stepped into that resistance and took the plunge. And the resulting photos not only became a reward but also a reminder of their bravery, enabling them to see themselves in a new, bolder, and brighter light. Likewise, some new projects and creative ideas bring a certain onset of stress in our team ahead of execution. Yet, once complete, it usually proves to be some of our very best work yet! We can’t help but feel that, sometimes, the fear lingering inside is there not to scare away but to show what we want and what would make us grow…

Recently we got an opportunity to create a session for beautiful Miss K and step outside our natural light photography style. She came to us with a strong creative vision and a special idea in mind for bold and unique artistic nude photo series. We were very excited to work with her on bringing those ideas to life. A wonderful combination of special lighting, dark contemporary background, and beautifully powerful poses that Miss K has come up with has made for some undoubtedly striking and timeless looks. We are very excited to show you this amazing photo series and hope that you enjoy viewing them as much as we enjoyed the creation process!