
Sharing the joy

Sharing the joy

  There are many ways we can celebrate big and happy milestones in life... Be it hosting a special dinner, putting together an unforgettable event or a trip, sharing the news over many different types of media or having a little gathering with those closest to...

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Age of excellence

Age of excellence

  We find that there are few things as inspiring and motivational as a woman who writes her own story and lives by her own rules! Unapologetic, strong, confident, and in charge of her own life - these are the traits many of us aspire to attain, yet they may not...

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Kissed By Light Muse

Kissed By Light Muse

  What is a muse? In ancient Greece, no artist could ever dream of achieving greatness without patronage of one of the nine goddesses called muses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences. And even then, they only covered a...

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Remembering Valentine’s Day

Remembering Valentine’s Day

  This year, Valentine's day was gone so soon, and now we feel it is a shame that the day meant to celebrate love comes only once a year! The traditions surrounding its celebrations are all in all wonderful: from gifting each other flowers to spending a little...

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Promotional Valentine Look

Promotional Valentine Look

  Inspired by the Valentine's Day festivities, this season, we would like to offer a complimentary additional look with any of our Kissed By Light Boudoir packages! Featuring red rose petals and a beautiful set up, this look makes for an amazing addition to any...

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On the wild side

On the wild side

  In the world of boudoir and, frankly, any photography, one may wonder ahead of their shoot: "Would it look too risque if I show my sensuality and wear revealing looks?" As perhaps with any daring idea, the edge between ostentatious and classic is a fine one to...

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Self care and other necessities

Self care and other necessities

  With each passing year, the importance of self care becomes all the more evident as we embark on more and more challenges in life. With almost no time left to feel beautiful, flirty, and empowered in day to day life, we find it all the more important to make...

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Fitness goals

Fitness goals

  Two weeks into the New Year and some of us have yet to get started on those resolution lists... Needless to say, these cold winter months (and all that extra holiday weight) can make your bright and wonderful goals seem like rather distant glimmers of hope. And...

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Sartorial elegance

Sartorial elegance

  Many would agree, there are few things that can make a woman as beautiful as self confidence. It is a statement that has perhaps been overused in today's society and one that is as broad as the term beauty itself. After all, confidence is not a pair of great...

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