What if?! Or how to stop worrying and embrace boudoir!

Jun 10, 2020Boudoir & Lingerie

What if?! Or how to stop worrying and embrace boudoir!


So, after giving it some thought, listing a few pros and cons, and looking through several portfolios you have decided to take that leap and get your very own boudoir session! But, what happens next? The stream of doubts and “what if” questions are bound to poke their head in before you book… “What if photos don’t turn out according to my vision?” “What if my poses look awkward and silly?” “What if it turns out looking vulgar?” “What if I don’t look in shape I would like to be in?” “What if I don’t achieve my fitness goal in time for the session?” “What if my imperfections become very visible in photos?” And many many more thoughts can surface, making it all the harder to make the decision. It is all perfectly understandable – boudoir can seem intimidating even for the bravest of women. Afterall, camera may seem to be a capricious creature – one day you look great in photos and, the other, it makes you look completely unphotogenic. This is why, we have learnt over the years that there is nothing more important than a team with a good vision and experience to make your photography dreams a reality, so that you may turn your worry into excitement and leave the technicalities to your photographer!  This is also why we take extra time and patience in finding only the best professionals to work in Kissed By Light Studio. They understand makeup, lighting, angles, and bring out your favourite features! And, for all the rest, we have a team of some of the best retouchers in the industry who can make any imperfection less obvious or go away altogether!

One of our gorgeous muses, Miss E, has embraced boudoir and, needless to say, completely blew us away! Her photos turned out to be effortlessly chic and irresistibly charming. With a few outfit changes and a series of our favorite set ups, together, we created something marvellous and timeless. We hope that you enjoy this session as much as we enjoyed creating it!