Using Glamour and Beauty in Saving Nature

Jun 22, 2018News & Events

Using Glamour and Beauty in Saving Nature

We have some fantastic news this month!

At Kissed by Light Photo Studio we stress the importance of celebrating your body and nourishing your soul, but we mustn’t forget to give back to nature and make an effort to care for our planet too.  With climate change upon us, the environment needs our help more than ever.

To do our part to help reduce our carbon footprint, we are excited to announce that Kissed By Light Photo Studio has just launched a partnership with Tree Canada as part of their Grow Clean Air program.

For every Package booked with us starting this month, Kissed By Light is donating a portion of the proceeds to plant a seedling in Ontario in effort to contribute to reforestation and preserving our country’s green spaces.

To learn more about how you can help our forests, please visit