Each woman’s boudoir is a world of beauty, one that is strictly personal and highly imaginative. We have yet to meet a woman without a kind of zest for creativity! A personal touch, a well put accent, or even the way one wears her lingerie, everything makes up the woman and her very personal boudoir. And it was in this great diversity that we have found one common trait – a great part of any woman’s sensuality is, of course, a mystery. A beautiful boudoir photograph never reveals too much to its viewer, always leaving the rest to the imagination.
Ms. K came to visit our studio all the way from the United States, and we were very glad that she did! Our boudoir photo session with her was full of creativity, as we worked with her personal vision to transform our studio into her boudoir chambers. Ms. K’s style and creativity reflected in her looks, each carefully picked out by her, prior to this session. She shared with us the designer behind her beautiful pieces – a London based lingerie firm called Bordelle. Every shot was carefully thought through, revealing a part of her personal world, yet always leaving some mystery. We wanted to create a question on the mind of anyone who got to see the photos – “Who is she?” The photo session has come out remarkably beautiful and we are very happy to give you a peak into some of the photographs from this unforgettable shoot!