One of a kind anniversary surprise

Oct 13, 2022Boudoir & Lingerie

One of a kind anniversary surprise



When in life of a couple, we reach one of those rare few, incredibly valuable milestones, it is undoubtedly a debt that we owe to ourselves to celebrate it to the fullest! One such important milestone is, of course, the anniversary! It is the moment to truly reconnect, appreciate each other, and, perhaps, explore something new! Keeping things adventurous, interesting, and full of surprises is always absolutely worth it! And, from our and our muses’ experiences, we can attest that a surprise boudoir photo session for the partner tends to be a raging success! (We even have a few videos with partners’ reactions on our Instagram to attest to that). We absolutely adore working with our muses on their surprises and putting in extra details to make each session special. Sometimes, we create looks dedicated to that special someone’s interests (yes, boudoir looks great in a sports jersey too!) and play around with favorite lingerie types. And, of course, we always make sure to make such sessions creative! Maybe you could wear a maid’s uniform for a quirky set of photos? Or his favorite lingerie look? Maybe we concentrate on the features that he compliments you on so much! There are always so many possibilities to explore, making every photo session unique and wonderful.

Recently, we got a chance to work on one such fun session with our beloved returning muse Miss N! Miss N and her husband have made it a little tradition over the years to schedule a boudoir session for Miss N as a gift, every year around their anniversary. And, every year, Miss N and our team experiment with new ideas, set ups, and poses, capturing some incredible boudoir photos! We even tried a fitness boudoir session last year! But this year was extra special for the couple for it was their 25th anniversary! So we wanted to create something truly unique and new to make it that much more celebratory!

Miss N. has brought some very fun looks to work with and we worked to create her most fabulous boudoir photo series yet! She has brought with her a cute little maid’s outfit and some stunning lingerie for the session. And together, we experimented with set ups, angles, and composition to ensure that every look shines through!

We hope that you enjoy a glimpse into this very special photo session!

And, to find out more about anniversary sessions, contact us here!

Toronto boudoir of a beautiful brunette woman in purple lingerie Toronto boudoir of a beautiful brunette woman in purple lingerie Toronto boudoir of a beautiful brunette woman in maid's lingerie Toronto boudoir of a beautiful brunette woman in purple lingerie Toronto boudoir of a beautiful brunette woman in black dress Toronto boudoir of a beautiful brunette woman in maid's uniform Toronto boudoir of a beautiful brunette woman in purple lingerie Toronto boudoir of a beautiful brunette woman in purple lingerie