Hot Steamy Love on Valentine’s Day

Feb 14, 2018Boudoir & Lingerie, Couple boudoir

Hot Steamy Love on Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air, Passion is in the air, and that’s what’s going on this Valentine’s Day at our Kissed by Light Photo Studio. Featuring our own amazing new photographer Taira and her loving husband. Boom! These photos are a bomb, exploding with passion, closeness and romance.

If you knew Taira and her husband you’d know they’re a beautiful, loving and sharing couple, fun parents, they find great joy in exploring Italy, and are simply adored by their friends. Then came the couple boudoir photoshoot. The clothes came off revealing the intimate depth of their relationship, and.. Taira’s hot sexy body! This adorable next-door couple went all in on “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”, their passion and attraction for each other being generally concealed from the outsiders. Their connection is beautiful, and draws one in to explore the images over and over.

With the heart-shaped eyes, we’ve devoured the results of this couple’s photo shoot by our creative director Lora Vertue. There were so many amazing photos that it was very hard to select.

Have a lovely Valentine’s Day, we wish you Love and Passion from the depths of our hearts!

Please enjoy our favourites below and post your hearts and flames in the comments below.