Confidence boost

Jul 16, 2019Boudoir & Lingerie

Confidence boost


A figment of our imaginations or a particularly elusive necessity? Just what is confidence and how does one find it? It is one of those few subject matters that leaves none indifferent – many have very different opinions and only few can claim to have successfully conquered it. Some might say fitness helps, others enjoy a frequent visit to a salon, and someone else might draw their confidence from what they wear, but in the end, it sometimes seems like a losing battle as we lose it time and time again. Be it when we have a bad day, have challenges to take on, or maybe even just when we feel under the weather. And perhaps it’s not meant to be ever-present, and what truly matters is being able to get up time and time again, finding strength to conquer any challenge and taking pride in our ability to face even the toughest moments when we lose all confidence. And when time comes, we can pamper ourselves and reflect on our victories… One way we love to celebrate ourselves and our clients is through photos, and it’s what made Kissed By Light Studio what it is today – a daily celebration of female beauty, strength, and creativity. And our clients know the pleasure of looking over their photos and feeling that power and confidence boost it gives them, reminding them of how truly beautiful they are.

Ms. L. came to Kissed By Light to celebrate her beauty and get that little confidence boost we can all use sometimes. A single mother, she shined through, embracing her looks and boudoir set ups. Her session proved itself a great success with each photo beaming with confidence. And for one, we can see how this series of photographs will remain a confidence boost for both Ms. L. and her photographer for years to come. It is our pleasure to share with you a peak!