Strong and beautiful

Jul 20, 2021Commercial, Elegant Portrait

Strong and beautiful



“Inspiration is all around you” is a phrase that we have all probably heard before, and is one that we can get behind on a hundred percent! Afterall, in our line of work, we really do get an honour and joy of working with some incredibly inspiring people, every one of whom has left a special mark on our studio over the years. Through collaboration with our muses, we get to invent many of our studio’s very best set ups, poses, and looks, as they influence our photo sessions and inspire us for new creations. But it often goes beyond style and beauty as their strength, love and incredible journeys often influence us on a more personal level. Through our blog, we hope to convey at least a little bit of this inspiration and share with you the beautiful photography results and snippets of their story.

Our returning muse Sandra happens to be one such great inspiration to us! Incredibly charming, smart, dedicated, and stylish, Sandra is a beautiful mother of three with a passion for fitness and wellness. Throughout what has now been quite a few years, we got to be there for some of her important personal milestones as her beautiful family grew (see one of our past sessions with her: mother with daughters series). And, recently, we were really delighted to be a part of her new social media project called Strong with Sandra Levy (@strongwithsandralevy), where she shares her knowledge on the topics of health, wellness, and athleisure. We created a series of photos for her new endeavor, featuring some lovely scenery from Toronto’s very own Scarborough Bluffs Park. Sandra’s vision for the session and great style choices made this session really unique and inspired us to try some great new photography techniques. To see a little video from behind the scenes of this session, take a look here – BTS. We are really excited for Sandra’s new project and will definitely be following many of her smart fitness routines!