Creative streak

Sep 3, 2020Commercial

Creative streak



Whether or not you work in a creative field, you probably know that inspiration is a fickle and temperamental creature. One day, new ideas fill your head abound and, another, you can’t seem to decide what to wear, let alone tackle a creative task at hand. So, what should you do when in search of your everchanging, elusive muse? Whether you have a photo session coming up and you are lost for ideas or you have a special, artistic task at hand, here are some of our favorite tips on how to get your creative streak back:

  • Go out and explore, look to nature – one of our creative director’s personal favorite ways to recharge and get inspired
  • Listen to some great music – a wonderful way to get into the creative zone, music is a big part of our photo sessions, and we always make sure that there are some great songs playing while doing creative work
  • Look to art – be it paintings at your local gallery, architectural gems, a fashion magazine, a pinterest board or even a lingerie store (a must if you are doing a boudoir session), art is all around us and it can be one of the most powerful tools to jump start your creativity
  • Get started – they say that the creative muse likes to visit those that are hard at work and, sometimes, all you need for inspiration to flow is just to make the first step. If you feel like you are completely out of ideas, any simple, even poorly executed step can help get you into the creative zone
  • Don’t force it – all things considered and tried, sometimes, procrastination is the answer! If you still feel uncreative, take a step back, relax, and allow yourself sometime before you get back to brainstorming

We hope that these tips help you come up with some lovely, ingenious ideas! And, in the meantime, we would like to share a wonderful creative session we did sometime ago with one of our studio’s great friends (and past photographers) Miss D! Filled with romantic, whimsical details, this session is very special to us and we hope that it inspires you just as it keeps inspiring us!