Confidence blooming

Mar 18, 2022Elegant Portrait, Uncategorized

Confidence blooming



As we start to see the first buddings of spring here in Toronto (with all too occasional snow storms, but that’s Canada for you…), we often see a united sense of renewal and uplifted spirits among our fellow Torontonians. It feels like the perfect time to shed worries of the winter past and look towards the new beginnings! To our team at Kissed By Light, it often means generating some new ideas and inspirations, but also being there for new beginnings of our dear clients. In business and personal life alike, it is the time many look to refresh their social media/work profiles and put their best foot forward with some brand new photos. This is, of course, where our team comes in! We work to find our Muse’s vision for the session and bring it to life in the best way possible through creativity, experimentation, and skilled eye for beauty. Our team strives to make every photo shoot an experience to remember, capturing photos that reflect that special spark from within!

Recently, we had a great pleasure working with lovely Miss M. She came to our studio to get some nice new portraits, to boost her confidence and celebrate her journey. We worked together to create a series of bright and captivating photos, with different looks and lighting for variety. Miss M. and her beautiful smile shined in every photo and we just had to share a little peak into her wonderful photo session!