Celebrating book realease of our special guest!

Jun 2, 2022Elegant Portrait

Celebrating book realease of our special guest!



We often say just how lucky we are to meet so many incredible women at our photo sessions, and we really mean it! The dedication, strength, and beauty of each and every one of them is truly inspiring and we absolutely love sharing their stories here, on our blog. So it is no surprise that when we had a visit by a wonderful author and an all around brilliant woman, Debbie Jo-Ann Patterson, for her portrait photo session, we absolutely had to ask her to share hers! She has kindly agreed to be our guest writer, describing her writing experience and the session that she did with us to capture her author’s portrait.


“An Author with No Words”

The 2020 experience (that’s what I choose to refer to it as) pushed me to do some things that I never thought I would. Like you, I spent 24 x 7 in my home. Watched all the CNN, YouTube, TicTock and Netflix I could handle.

After some time I decided it was time to put the television converter down and pick up a pen. At first I would write gratitude lists. Documenting all that I was grateful for, especially in the challenging times we were/are in. Then something really awesome happened, I asked myself why it was that in a time such as this, I would find myself alone. No partner and no prospects in sight. I wondered what decisions I had made to repeatedly bring a certain type of man into my life – the kind that didn’t stay.  It was time to do a deep dive and uncover what was going on – on the inside.  Well by the grace of God, when I was done writing I realized that not only had I started healing from past mistakes, but I had finished what I believe to be an interesting story. I had written a book!

Deciding to share my lessons learned with the world and self-publish, it was recommended to me that I get professional photographs done for my website and the back of my book. That same grace led me to find Lora and her amazing team at Kissed by Light Photo Studio.

In booking and attending my first photoshoot, I was blessed with one of the most empowering and memorable experiences of my life thus far.  May I encourage you to do two things. One; put a pen to paper yourself. For the cathartic element alone, if nothing else. And two; set aside any apprehension you may have and let Sonia patiently guide you through the booking process and be there to support you during your shoot. Sit back and let Angelina work her magic with makeup as she gets you camera ready. Lora will then direct you as she captures the best of you. That’s the only way I can describe it. This unassuming, talented photographer, captured the best of me.

And when I saw the finished product – I had no words. That’s right, I was an author with no words.

God bless,

Debbie Jo-Ann Patterson



We are very excited to announce that Debbie’s book has been recently released and is now available – LINK.

This was such a wonderful experience and we still can’t get over the fact that one of our photos is now on a book! See Debbie’s full portrait and personal branding series below and let us know what you think!